Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year resolutions

Let's keep Nano aside, for this post. It is New Year and is the time for many people to take resolutions. I don't recall taking any resolutions previously. But 2010 is an year which I really want to take some resolutions and stick to it.

Number 1 - I want to cultivate the habit of gifting. I resolve to gift at least 12 times in the year 2010. That makes it 1 gifting a month ideally.

Number 2 - I resolve to make atleast 12 blog posts in the year 2010.

There are some more, but the above two are the ones which I really feel, should be made as the New Year resolutions. Among the others, the prominent are;
  • Get back to programming in this year 2010. Hope it works out.
  • Buy an Enfield Bullet.
  • Reduce the waist size below 34 and the weight to 70KG.

Monday, October 12, 2009

First drive

The idea of starting this blog was to record my experiences with Nano first hand. Alas! it has not happened as I had wished.

The vehicle has already covered 2500 KMs and here I am trying to recollect my first drive.

I was not happy in my first drive of Nano. Everything felt a tad tight; clutch, brake, gears and the whole stuff. After driving continuously for around 30 KMs in Bangalore traffic the clutch started sticking. George consoled me saying these are natural for all the new vehicles till the engine is run-in.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How did it happen?

Booking a Nano was not a carefully thought out decision. In fact, it was an impulsive decision, quite unlike of Selma. On seeing the crowd infront of Concorde motors on the last day for booking the car, we drove in. It so turned out that we need to pay just Rs.4000/- and book the car. If we are lucky, we would be one among the first 1 lakh recipients of Nano.

The Nano which was on display was silver in colour. It was protected by atleast 10 body guards from the milling crowd. We could only have a look at the car from a 10 feet distance. Initial impressions were positive. Who knows what is inside?