Friday, March 22, 2013

Latest from Common Floor

Since their inception, Common floor-Apna Complex combo has witnessed and staged quite a good number of nasty wars.
It has been mostly between individuals and individual driven. In a few situations when it became utterly difficult to accomplish the governance of this complex, the community has come forward, united to defeat the defaulting individuals involved so that they were unable to push their agenda.
But this latest of its kind is different, in the sense, it is the first time a small group of individuals as a part of implementing their agenda has resorted to the sophisticated techniques like

1. Infiltrate the decision making body and positions of power. In this case, management committee.
2. Resort to a planned coordinated propaganda campaign in the media(read as email forum) by twisting historical facts and publish it in a manner which is favorable to their agenda.
3. From the positions of power, indulge is subversive acts so that all the opposing elements to their single point agenda is removed from the equation.
4. Run covert campaigns and willful publish of data corrupted to suit their needs.

Leave the individuals or set of individuals who held the forum for ransom to push their agenda, in most cases the agenda being just the pacification of their ego, this new group of sophisticated manipulators are the people whom we should actually be worried about.


Because what is happening here is a true reflection in a microscopic manner of, what is happening in our country in general. Small groups with agenda and ideology has been making rapid progress in using new age media successfully in propagating their ideology in the garb of progress and development. The infiltration of these groups in all the walks of life is almost complete.

(To be continued........)

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