Friday, July 15, 2016

France's brush with ISIS has lessons for India

There is profound alienation among the Muslims in France and the ISIS attracts followers in such a milieu.

Today’s India, in the Narendra Modi era, has a great deal to learn from France. Alienation exists in many regions of India in many forms.

The tragic happenings in Jammu and Kashmir should be an eye-opener.

When people revolt against State coercion, the nadir is reached.

Intolerance toward the minority communities or attempts to humiliate them or the refusal to go the extra league to build an inclusive society -- these are all evident today in our society. Much of it is happening in broad daylight, too.

If the lessons from the tragedy unfolding in France are properly understood, we have no reason to get sleepless nights over ISIS 'modules' and 'sleepers' in our neighborhood and the authorities can firmly and with transparency deal with its traces in India whenever or wherever they show up, if at all, as a freak phenomenon.

Read the complete article by M. K. Bhadrakumar, Former Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Turkey

About M.K.Bhadrakumar
M.K.Bhadrakumar served in the Indian Foreign Service for three decades and served as ambassador to Uzbekistan and Turkey. Apart from two postings in the former Soviet Union, his assignments abroad included South Korea, Sri Lanka, West Germany, Kuwait, Pakistan and Afghanistan. He served thrice in the Iran-Pakistan-Afghanistan Division in the Ministry of External Affairs, including as the Head of the Division in 1992-95. Mr. Bhadrakumar sought voluntary retirement from the IFS in 2002 and has since devoted himself to writing. He contributes to various publications in India and abroad and is a regular columnist for Asia Times and The Hindu. He has written extensively on Russia, China, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan and on the geopolitics of energy security. He normally resides at Delhi, when not travelling and lecturing abroad.

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